Conservative lobbyists just dropped $162K into our race

Hey friends—

We suspected this was coming. And now, right on time, here comes the downpour of right wing special interest money.

Corporate developers, real estate investors, a Beverly Hills Republican donor, and a police association just dropped $162,108 into the Culver City Council election.


The answer is simple: they are terrified of our people-powered campaign that answers to you, not conservative lobbyists.

We are proud to have raised more than $90,000 from over 900 donations averaging just $100 each. All without accepting a dime from fossil fuel, real estate developer, police, pharmaceutical, or firearm companies or organizations.

Who you receive money from is a statement about who you’re accountable to. I’m proud to say I’m not accountable to special interests and certainly not conservative lobbyists. I’m accountable to you.

If you also believe no one should be able to buy an election, help us knock doors this weekend.

There’s going to be a lot of noise from our opponents these last three weeks. Help us cut through that noise by talking to your neighbors face-to-face about the issues that really matter. 

Don’t love to knock but fancy yourself a pen? Help us write postcards on your own time! Every postcard you write can secure us a vote.

And while we met our original fundraising goal, we now need some extra funds to combat this sudden infusion of $162K in mailers and ads against us.

If you can, please consider throwing in an extra $50 to help mutiply the reach of our social media ads already circulating.

I know it’s hard to believe, but there are exactly three weeks left to get our message out there.

Every way you pitch in over these last few weeks helps us secure a future where everyone can thrive in Culver City.

Let’s do this!

With gratitude,



Focused on our future


21 days left!