Big endorsement news!
Hi friends,
We have some fantastic news to share… and also a big challenge ahead.
The fantastic news? Our campaign was just endorsed by U.S. Representative Sydney Kamlager-Dove who fights for Culver City in the nation’s capital.
I’m honored to be endorsed by the Congresswoman as well as all of our county and state representatives:
Assemblymember Isaac Bryan
State Senator Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
County Supervisor Holly Mitchell
When we first launched this campaign, we set out to foster a Culver City that’s inclusive to everyone; a place where all of us can thrive.
With these latest endorsements, I’m now backed by more than 35 organizations including the LA County Democratic Party as well as hundreds of local leaders and residents.
I couldn’t have done it without you.
Now onto the not-so-hot news.
There’s less than two weeks left in this race, and corporate lobbyists, police groups, and Republican millionares have dumped more than $200,000 into our small city to elect people who are beholden to them, not you.
Click below to watch the TikTok I made about the attacks from right-wing special interest groups.
Friends, these right-wing special interests are flooding Culver City mailboxes with false claims about our record on a daily basis. They are desperately trying to scare and confuse the voters, all because they know our people-powered campaign is gaining traction.
We need your help now more than ever to make sure we elect a city council that answers to us, not corporate lobbyists, police associations, commercial developers, big oil, or conservative MAGA donors.
What can you do to help?
First and foremost, VOTE. And make sure your friends and family are voting. Turn in your ballot now at your nearest ballot drop box.
Once you have a plan to vote, there are 3 other big ways to help us.
First, sign up to knock doors with us at some point over these final 12 days. This is the single most impactful way to help us win.
Don’t consider yourself much of a yapper? That’s okay. You can sign up to postcard! You can do this on your own precious schedule or come to our next postcard party!
Finally, short on time but want to support?
We are still $5K away from hitting the new goal we set after our campaign started getting attacked.
Can you donate one more time to help us get our social media ads out to more voters? The individual donation limit is $1,120.
This campaign belongs to you.
As always, thank you for standing with us for a brighter future. Let’s leave it all out there.
With love and hope for the future,