21 days left!
That closeted Bar Mitzvah boy you see above is wishing you a Happy National Coming Out Day and a meaningful Kol Nidre!
Monday’s tragedy
A pedestrian was killed Monday afternoon at Wesley & National, just 100 feet from my home and near an elementary school where families cross the street daily.
Fun ways to get involved this weekend!
Postcard parties! Climate parties! Door-knocking! Just 39 days left to go and so many different ways to get involved in this weekend.
Holly J. Mitchell and Isaac Bryan back our campaign!
More major endorsements rolling in plus ways you can get involved this weekend!
The stakes of this election
Our vision for the future of Culver City couldn't be more different than the not-in-my-backyard Council majority.
This picture is nothing to brag about.
Just as our neighbor cities are accelerating their safe streets infrastructure, we are the only ones actively undoing ours.
Not all Democrats…
While Democrats are eager to defeat Trump and his harmful platform, some still fight against more housing in their neighborhood, a position that directly harms people in cities across the country.
Have you seen the numbers?
The first public filing is out! Here’s how we stack up in the race.
99 days to go!
Election month is just aound the corner! Here are a few ways you can help us win.
We need your help
Our biggest endorsement yet + we are coming up on the most important fundraising deadline of the race.
Prioritizing preventative care (+ a Sunday soirée!)
Join us Sunday for a Culver City gathering!
Join us Sunday in WeHo for a backyard party!
Join us for an afternoon gathering with friends and refreshments featuring special guests, West Hollywood Mayor John Erickson and Vice Mayor Chelsea Byers!
Why I’m fighting for people-centered streets
CicLAvia’s 51st open streets event was this past Sunday, and we kept the party going on Venice Blvd!
New kickoff video and a big deadline!
We have a new campaign video with great footage from the kickoff!
Two Culver City groups inspiring me right now
Parents and teens are organizing for good things!
…and we’re off!
Over 100 of us gathered in the park to kickoff our campaign for a sustainable, inclusive Culver City for everyone!